The global leader in fire waterways

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Amity Fire & Safety

Amity Fire & Safety is the world's largest producer of telescopic waterways, 360 degree fire apparatus swivels, aerial swivel elbows, and firetruck manifold systems for the fire industry. We continue to drive technology advancements while supplying and servicing leading fire truck manufacturers around the world.


Telescopic Waterways

From 2-11 sections ranging from 3 to 112 meters - the highest in the world.

Telescopic Waterways

Fire Apparatus Swivels

4", 5" & 6" waterway diameter and up to 36 circuits.

360 Swivels

Aerial Swivel Elbows, Rotary Unions & Pins

Standard and custom solutions. Each tested up to 450 PSI.

Aerial Elbows

Aerial Water System Designs

The 112 Meter, 11 section Amity waterway is currently the highest in the world. Amity is consistently selected for advanced applications like this due to our unique engineering expertise, including custom weldment component design and fire system manifold design.

Amity Machine

Through our sister company Amity Machine, we can machine a wide variety of parts, to customer specifications, out of aluminum, steel, or stainless steel and from various thicknesses, widths, and lengths of base metals. Amity Machine also produces hydraulic rotary swivels, or rotary unions.

amity swivels carry a five year warranty
Amity waterways carry a ten year warranty

See the Amity Difference

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