Amity Flow brings over four decades of experience to every venturi meter project. We manage every step of the process to deliver the most accurate, durable and repeatable products to our clients. Our engineering team starts the process with the Amity Computation Module of The Flow Consultant™. This software was developed in collaboration with R. W. Miller exclusively for Amity Flow.
Amity Computation Module
The Amity Computation Module computes pressure and temperature factors in accordance with ASME, ISO standards and the equations detailed in the Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook by R.W. Miller. This module is forward compatible and will accommodate future changes in calibration and standards. In addition to the creation of our standard production, this module allows Amity Flow to efficiently design solutions for specific customer requirements
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Better Engineering
Yields Better Products
The result of the work with Dr. Miller and the Amity Computation Module is the first new proven Venturi Meter designs in 30 years.
The S-Design has a cylindrical radius inlet geometry. The entrance to the PTC-6 throat section is critical to insure boundary layer development length is in accordance with the PTC-6 theoretical extrapolation requirement. AMITY S-design use an inlet geometry of the Standardized Torodial Throat Nozzle, extensive data and CFD studies show excellent entrance to the throat results for this geometry.

The T-Design Amity PTC-6 flow meter, uses a Halmi double cone entrance with a unique cone angles and a throat entrance developed based on test results in Holland (Miller 1989), with confirming CFD studies.

Our program uses customer specific line conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and fluid properties, to design the most accurate meter in their flowing conditions, line size, and materials.
Every venturi tube design is specific for the customer application. The program is based on scaled equations with pre installed fluid and material properties providing repeatability.
Read more on two custom designed Amity Flow meters